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Travel Essay/ Pictorial Books

Listed below is a sample of my writing, photography and my mom Diana's poetry; an excerpt from the book American West:

The prose ----

"In full charismatic, animated pose, our wooden friend invites us to venture into his world. The late afternoon golden light bathes his gnarled skin in warmth while illuminating the majestic buttes beyond. Listen to the hawk as he soars overhead. Let your eyes follow upward to the great ancestral spirits in the clouds, who hover the land like protective guardians.
Welcome to Navajo Country; welcome to Monument Valley.

The Navajos still live in the valley, working with and protecting the land as their ancestors did before them. I stopped along the dirt road to watch a sheepdog attending to his flock of sheep. With no people to assist, the faithful dog is left the responsibility of watching over the sheep.

Earlier that morning, I watched a young Navajo man gazing over the valley from a rocky ledge, a strong smile permeating his face. His son sat nearby playing with his wooden toy while a large juniper tree provided him shade from the harsh rays of the sun.

The air grows cool and the sun begins to fade. It's time for me to set up my campsite. I shall sleep well tonight."




                   Monument Valley


                 "Sculptured Silence"


Deeper than thought

Deeper than words...

Deeper than emotions.

This vision casts an elegant spell

Cross sculptured lands once oceans.

When time was but the blinking eye

Of an artist so profound

That proof of all that ever was

Is dust upon the ground.

The silence speaks but whispered tones

By mortal man unknown

And yet I think I heard him sigh...

Before I left for home.


Diana Hunter

American West
 Additional Travel Books




Seven additional travel books include the following regions:


Europe, Australia, New Zealand,


Belize/ Costa Rica,

Southern Africa and South America


Travel Essay Pictorial Books are also available as e-books.


Travel E-books are $5 each or get all eight books for $35.


To order, please contact Michael McGuerty at (505) 699-8413 or e-mail-




 To view Michael's complete book selection:!travel-pictorial/c1pca

More on my Textures and Tales book coming...


Listed below is a sample of my writing, my abstract nature photography and Diana Hunter's poetry; an excerpt from the book Textures and Tales.




A state of mind, blurred, soft, a calm serenity settles about my soul as I rest within this tall cool grass. The shimmering grass reminded me of her, the way her hair flowed with that same fluid grace. I remember the first moment we met was in this very field, though it had been such a long time ago.


This valley had been considerably more fertile. A river ran near the edge of this grass. Numerous varieties of big game came down to its edges to graze. Our families lived together in the village downstream, where the river widened. She had been alone, bathing, while I was coming back from my daily hunt. I had never seen such beauty. Upon that first gaze, I said to myself that she would be my wife. My heart spoke the truth for we would indeed marry, raise a fine family, live a good life.


Many hundreds of years would pass before our earthly bodies would meet again. My presence was now enveloped in the body of a young cavalry officer. I had been assigned a remote outpost in the New Mexican territory and was out on a reconnoiter patrol. As I rode, I felt a strange familiarity with this land, although it looked much more arid than its appearance in my dream. I rested by this creek to quench my thirst when through the grass I saw this enchanting Indian maiden. Later. I would make friends with her family and tribe. I felt at home with them, so much so that I relinquished my cavalry position to live among them. She and I would wed. Hostilities would soon develop with both the tribes of this region and the U.S. cavalry, which sought to drive them from their land. A warring battle was raged in this very field. She and I would die here together.


Today, I am a young man in search of a place to call home. Instinctively, my vacation itinerary took me to this stretch of land in New Mexico. I set out hiking and came across these grasses by this dry creek arroyo. In an astounding flash, my history and hers came rushing back through my entire body. At that instant, a young woman in hiking clothes spoke, interrupting my thoughts. She smiled a knowing smile. Our eternal love would continue...



THE  IMAGE:  (Will be a Close-Up of tall waving prairie grass )





" Touch Me"

Light as feathers

    Soft as down

        A sigh replaces

             Troubled frown.

                  Touch me gently

                       As you please...

                            I dance and whisper

                                 In the breeze.

                                                           Diana Hunter 

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